Source code for copulas.visualization

"""Visualization utilities for the Copulas library."""

import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.figure_factory as ff

[docs]class PlotConfig: """Custom plot settings for visualizations.""" DATACEBO_DARK = '#000036' DATACEBO_GREEN = '#01E0C9' BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#F5F5F8' FONT_SIZE = 18
def _generate_1d_plot(data, title, labels, colors): """Generate a density plot of an array-like structure. Args: data (array-like structure): The data to plot. title (str): The title of the plot. labels (list[str]): The labels of the data. colors (list[str]): The colors of the data. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ fig = ff.create_distplot( hist_data=data, group_labels=labels, show_hist=False, show_rug=False, colors=colors ) for i, name in enumerate(labels): fig.update_traces([i].x, hovertemplate=f'<b>{name}</b><br>Frequency: %{{y}}<extra></extra>', selector={'name': name}, fill='tozeroy', ) fig.update_layout( title=title, plot_bgcolor=PlotConfig.BACKGROUND_COLOR, font={'size': PlotConfig.FONT_SIZE}, showlegend=True if labels[0] else False, xaxis_title='value', yaxis_title='frequency' ) return fig
[docs]def dist_1d(data, title=None, label=None): """Plot the 1 dimensional data. Args: data (array_like structure): The table data. title (str): The title of the plot. label (str): The label of the plot. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ if not title: title = 'Data' if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): title += f" for column '{data.columns[0]}'" elif isinstance(data, pd.Series) and title += f" for column '{}'" return _generate_1d_plot( data=[data], title=title, labels=[label], colors=[PlotConfig.DATACEBO_DARK] )
[docs]def compare_1d(real, synth, title=None): """Plot the comparison between real and synthetic data. Args: real (array_like): The real data. synth (array_like): The synthetic data. title (str): The title of the plot. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ if not title: title = 'Real vs. Synthetic Data' if isinstance(real, pd.DataFrame): title += f" for column '{real.columns[0]}'" elif isinstance(real, pd.Series) and title += f" for column '{}'" return _generate_1d_plot( data=[real, synth], title=title, labels=['Real', 'Synthetic'], colors=[PlotConfig.DATACEBO_DARK, PlotConfig.DATACEBO_GREEN] )
def _generate_scatter_2d_plot(data, columns, color_discrete_map, title): """Generate a scatter plot for a pair of columns. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): The data for the desired column pair containing a ``Data`` column indicating whether it is real or synthetic. columns (list): A list of the columns being plotted. color_discrete_map (dict): A dictionary mapping the values of the ``Data`` column to the colors used to plot them. title (str): The title of the plot. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ if columns: columns.append('Data') else: columns = data.columns if len(columns) != 3: # includes the 'Data' column raise ValueError('Only 2 columns can be plotted') fig = px.scatter( data, x=columns[0], y=columns[1], color='Data', color_discrete_map=color_discrete_map, symbol='Data' ) fig.update_layout( title=title, plot_bgcolor=PlotConfig.BACKGROUND_COLOR, font={'size': PlotConfig.FONT_SIZE}, showlegend=False if len(color_discrete_map) == 1 else True, ) return fig
[docs]def scatter_2d(data, columns=None, title=None): """Plot 2 dimensional data in a scatter plot. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): The table data. columns (list[string]): The names of the two columns to plot. title (str): The title of the plot. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ data = data.copy() data['Data'] = 'Real' if not title: title = 'Data' if columns: title += f" for columns '{columns[0]}' and '{columns[1]}'" elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): title += f" for columns '{data.columns[0]}' and '{data.columns[1]}'" return _generate_scatter_2d_plot( data=data, columns=columns, color_discrete_map={'Real': PlotConfig.DATACEBO_DARK}, title=title )
[docs]def compare_2d(real, synth, columns=None, title=None): """Plot the comparison between real and synthetic data for a given column pair. Args: real (pandas.DataFrame): The real table data. synth (pandas.Dataframe): The synthetic table data. columns (list[string]): The names of the two columns to plot. title (str): The title of the plot. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ real, synth = real.copy(), synth.copy() real['Data'] = 'Real' synth['Data'] = 'Synthetic' data = pd.concat([real, synth], axis=0, ignore_index=True) if not title: title = 'Real vs. Synthetic Data' if columns: title += f" for columns '{columns[0]}' and '{columns[1]}'" elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): title += f" for columns '{data.columns[0]}' and '{data.columns[1]}'" return _generate_scatter_2d_plot( data=data, columns=columns, color_discrete_map={ 'Real': PlotConfig.DATACEBO_DARK, 'Synthetic': PlotConfig.DATACEBO_GREEN }, title=title )
def _generate_scatter_3d_plot(data, columns, color_discrete_map, title): """Generate a scatter plot for column pair plot. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): The data for the desired three columns containing a ``Data`` column that indicates whether it is real or synthetic. columns (list): A list of the columns being plotted. color_discrete_map (dict): A dictionary mapping the values of the ``Data`` column to the colors used to plot them. title (str): The title of the plot. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ if columns: columns.append('Data') else: columns = data.columns if len(columns) != 4: # includes the 'Data' column raise ValueError('Only 3 columns can be plotted') fig = px.scatter_3d( data, x=columns[0], y=columns[1], z=columns[2], color='Data', color_discrete_map=color_discrete_map, symbol='Data', ) fig.update_traces(marker={'size': 5}) fig.update_layout( title=title, plot_bgcolor=PlotConfig.BACKGROUND_COLOR, font={'size': PlotConfig.FONT_SIZE}, showlegend=False if len(color_discrete_map) == 1 else True, ) return fig
[docs]def scatter_3d(data, columns=None, title=None): """Plot 3 dimensional data in a scatter plot. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame): The table data. Must have at least 3 columns. columns (list[string]): The names of the three columns to plot. title (str): The title of the plot. Returns: plotly.graph_objects._figure.Figure """ data = data.copy() data['Data'] = 'Real' if not title: title = 'Data' if columns: title += f" for columns '{columns[0]}', '{columns[1]}' and '{columns[2]}'" elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): title += \ f" for columns '{data.columns[0]}', '{data.columns[1]}' and '{data.columns[2]}'" return _generate_scatter_3d_plot( data=data, columns=columns, color_discrete_map={'Real': PlotConfig.DATACEBO_DARK}, title=title )
[docs]def compare_3d(real, synth, columns=None, title=None): """Plot the comparison between real and synthetic data for a given column triplet. Args: real (pd.DataFrame): The real data. synth (pd.DataFrame): The synthetic data. columns (list): The name of the columns to plot. title (str): The title of the plot. """ real, synth = real.copy(), synth.copy() real['Data'] = 'Real' synth['Data'] = 'Synthetic' data = pd.concat([real, synth], axis=0, ignore_index=True) if not title: title = 'Real vs. Synthetic Data' if columns: title += f" for columns '{columns[0]}', '{columns[1]}' and '{columns[2]}'" elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): title += \ f" for columns '{data.columns[0]}', '{data.columns[1]}' and '{data.columns[2]}'" return _generate_scatter_3d_plot( data=data, columns=columns, color_discrete_map={ 'Real': PlotConfig.DATACEBO_DARK, 'Synthetic': PlotConfig.DATACEBO_GREEN }, title=title )