Source code for copulas.univariate.base

"""Base Univariate class."""

import pickle
from abc import ABC
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np

from copulas import (
    NotFittedError, get_instance, get_qualified_name, random_state, store_args,
from copulas.univariate.selection import select_univariate

[docs]class ParametricType(Enum): """Parametric Enum.""" NON_PARAMETRIC = 0 PARAMETRIC = 1
[docs]class BoundedType(Enum): """Bounded Enum.""" UNBOUNDED = 0 SEMI_BOUNDED = 1 BOUNDED = 2
[docs]class Univariate(object): """Univariate Distribution. Args: candidates (list[str or type or Univariate]): List of candidates to select the best univariate from. It can be a list of strings representing Univariate FQNs, or a list of Univariate subclasses or a list of instances. parametric (ParametricType): If not ``None``, only select subclasses of this type. Ignored if ``candidates`` is passed. bounded (BoundedType): If not ``None``, only select subclasses of this type. Ignored if ``candidates`` is passed. random_state (int or np.random.RandomState): Random seed or RandomState to use. selection_sample_size (int): Size of the subsample to use for candidate selection. If ``None``, all the data is used. """ PARAMETRIC = ParametricType.NON_PARAMETRIC BOUNDED = BoundedType.UNBOUNDED fitted = False _constant_value = None _instance = None @classmethod def _select_candidates(cls, parametric=None, bounded=None): """Select which subclasses fulfill the specified constriants. Args: parametric (ParametricType): If not ``None``, only select subclasses of this type. bounded (BoundedType): If not ``None``, only select subclasses of this type. Returns: list: Selected subclasses. """ candidates = [] for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): candidates.extend(subclass._select_candidates(parametric, bounded)) if ABC in subclass.__bases__: continue if parametric is not None and subclass.PARAMETRIC != parametric: continue if bounded is not None and subclass.BOUNDED != bounded: continue candidates.append(subclass) return candidates @store_args def __init__(self, candidates=None, parametric=None, bounded=None, random_state=None, selection_sample_size=None): self.candidates = candidates or self._select_candidates(parametric, bounded) self.random_state = validate_random_state(random_state) self.selection_sample_size = selection_sample_size @classmethod def __repr__(cls): """Return class name.""" return cls.__name__
[docs] def check_fit(self): """Check whether this model has already been fit to a random variable. Raise a ``NotFittedError`` if it has not. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ if not self.fitted: raise NotFittedError('This model is not fitted.')
def _constant_sample(self, num_samples): """Sample values for a constant distribution. Args: num_samples (int): Number of rows to sample Returns: numpy.ndarray: Sampled values. Array of shape (num_samples,). """ return np.full(num_samples, self._constant_value) def _constant_cumulative_distribution(self, X): """Cumulative distribution for the degenerate case of constant distribution. Note that the output of this method will be an array whose unique values are 0 and 1. More information can be found here: Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Cumulative distribution values for points in X. """ result = np.ones(X.shape) result[np.nonzero(X < self._constant_value)] = 0 return result def _constant_probability_density(self, X): """Probability density for the degenerate case of constant distribution. Note that the output of this method will be an array whose unique values are 0 and 1. More information can be found here: Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the probability density will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Probability density values for points in X. """ result = np.zeros(X.shape) result[np.nonzero(X == self._constant_value)] = 1 return result def _constant_percent_point(self, X): """Percent point for the degenerate case of constant distribution. Note that the output of this method will be an array whose unique values are `np.nan` and self._constant_value. More information can be found here: Arguments: U (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1) and values must be in [0,1]. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Inverse cumulative distribution values for points in U. """ return np.full(X.shape, self._constant_value) def _replace_constant_methods(self): """Replace conventional distribution methods by its constant counterparts.""" self.cumulative_distribution = self._constant_cumulative_distribution self.percent_point = self._constant_percent_point self.probability_density = self._constant_probability_density self.sample = self._constant_sample def _set_constant_value(self, constant_value): """Set the distribution up to behave as a degenerate distribution. The constant value is stored as ``self._constant_value`` and all the methods are replaced by their degenerate counterparts. Args: constant_value (float): Value to set as the constant one. """ self._constant_value = constant_value self._replace_constant_methods() def _check_constant_value(self, X): """Check if a Series or array contains only one unique value. If it contains only one value, set the instance up to behave accordingly. Args: X (numpy.ndarray): Data to analyze. Returns: float: Whether the input data had only one value or not. """ uniques = np.unique(X) if len(uniques) == 1: self._set_constant_value(uniques[0]) return True return False
[docs] def fit(self, X): """Fit the model to a random variable. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values of the random variable. It must have shape (n, 1). """ if self.selection_sample_size and self.selection_sample_size < len(X): selection_sample = np.random.choice(X, size=self.selection_sample_size) else: selection_sample = X self._instance = select_univariate(selection_sample, self.candidates) self.fitted = True
[docs] def probability_density(self, X): """Compute the probability density for each point in X. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the probability density will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Probability density values for points in X. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self._instance.probability_density(X)
[docs] def log_probability_density(self, X): """Compute the log of the probability density for each point in X. It should be overridden with numerically stable variants whenever possible. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the log probability density will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Log probability density values for points in X. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() if self._instance: return self._instance.log_probability_density(X) return np.log(self.probability_density(X))
[docs] def pdf(self, X): """Compute the probability density for each point in X. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the probability density will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Probability density values for points in X. """ return self.probability_density(X)
[docs] def cumulative_distribution(self, X): """Compute the cumulative distribution value for each point in X. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Cumulative distribution values for points in X. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self._instance.cumulative_distribution(X)
[docs] def cdf(self, X): """Compute the cumulative distribution value for each point in X. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Cumulative distribution values for points in X. """ return self.cumulative_distribution(X)
[docs] def percent_point(self, U): """Compute the inverse cumulative distribution value for each point in U. Arguments: U (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1) and values must be in [0,1]. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Inverse cumulative distribution values for points in U. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self._instance.percent_point(U)
[docs] def ppf(self, U): """Compute the inverse cumulative distribution value for each point in U. Arguments: U (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1) and values must be in [0,1]. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Inverse cumulative distribution values for points in U. """ return self.percent_point(U)
[docs] def set_random_state(self, random_state): """Set the random state. Args: random_state (int, np.random.RandomState, or None): Seed or RandomState for the random generator. """ self.random_state = validate_random_state(random_state)
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples=1): """Sample values from this model. Argument: n_samples (int): Number of values to sample Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of shape (n_samples, 1) with values randomly sampled from this model distribution. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self._instance.sample(n_samples)
def _get_params(self): """Return attributes from self.model to serialize. Returns: dict: Parameters of the underlying distribution. """ return self._instance._get_params() def _set_params(self, params): """Set the parameters of this univariate. Must be implemented in all the subclasses. Args: dict: Parameters to recreate this instance. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return the parameters of this model in a dict. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the distribution type and all the parameters that define the distribution. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() params = self._get_params() if self.__class__ is Univariate: params['type'] = get_qualified_name(self._instance) else: params['type'] = get_qualified_name(self) return params
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, params): """Build a distribution from its params dict. Args: params (dict): Dictionary containing the FQN of the distribution and the necessary parameters to rebuild it. The input format is exactly the same that is outputted by the distribution class ``to_dict`` method. Returns: Univariate: Distribution instance. """ params = params.copy() distribution = get_instance(params.pop('type')) distribution._set_params(params) distribution.fitted = True return distribution
[docs] def save(self, path): """Serialize this univariate instance using pickle. Args: path (str): Path to where this distribution will be serialized. """ with open(path, 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(self, pickle_file)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): """Load a Univariate instance from a pickle file. Args: path (str): Path to the pickle file where the distribution has been serialized. Returns: Univariate: Loaded instance. """ with open(path, 'rb') as pickle_file: return pickle.load(pickle_file)
[docs]class ScipyModel(Univariate, ABC): """Wrapper for scipy models. This class makes the probability_density, cumulative_distribution, percent_point and sample point at the underlying pdf, cdf, ppd and rvs methods respectively. fit, _get_params and _set_params must be implemented by the subclasses. """ MODEL_CLASS = None _params = None def __init__(self, random_state=None): """Initialize Scipy model. Overwrite Univariate __init__ to skip candidate initialization. Args: random_state (int, np.random.RandomState, or None): seed or RandomState for random generator. """ self.random_state = validate_random_state(random_state)
[docs] def probability_density(self, X): """Compute the probability density for each point in X. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the probability density will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Probability density values for points in X. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self.MODEL_CLASS.pdf(X, **self._params)
[docs] def log_probability_density(self, X): """Compute the log of the probability density for each point in X. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the log probability density will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Log probability density values for points in X. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() if hasattr(self.MODEL_CLASS, 'logpdf'): return self.MODEL_CLASS.logpdf(X, **self._params) return np.log(self.probability_density(X))
[docs] def cumulative_distribution(self, X): """Compute the cumulative distribution value for each point in X. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Cumulative distribution values for points in X. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self.MODEL_CLASS.cdf(X, **self._params)
[docs] def percent_point(self, U): """Compute the inverse cumulative distribution value for each point in U. Arguments: U (numpy.ndarray): Values for which the cumulative distribution will be computed. It must have shape (n, 1) and values must be in [0,1]. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Inverse cumulative distribution values for points in U. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self.MODEL_CLASS.ppf(U, **self._params)
@random_state def sample(self, n_samples=1): """Sample values from this model. Argument: n_samples (int): Number of values to sample Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of shape (n_samples, 1) with values randomly sampled from this model distribution. Raises: NotFittedError: if the model is not fitted. """ self.check_fit() return self.MODEL_CLASS.rvs(size=n_samples, **self._params) def _fit(self, X): """Fit the model to a non-constant random variable. Must be implemented in all the subclasses. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values of the random variable. It must have shape (n, 1). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def fit(self, X): """Fit the model to a random variable. Arguments: X (numpy.ndarray): Values of the random variable. It must have shape (n, 1). """ if self._check_constant_value(X): self._fit_constant(X) else: self._fit(X) self.fitted = True
def _get_params(self): """Return attributes from self._model to serialize. Must be implemented in all the subclasses. Returns: dict: Parameters to recreate self._model in its current fit status. """ return self._params.copy() def _set_params(self, params): """Set the parameters of this univariate. Args: params (dict): Parameters to recreate this instance. """ self._params = params.copy() if self._is_constant(): constant = self._extract_constant() self._set_constant_value(constant)