Source code for tgan.research.evaluation

"""This module contains functions to evaluate the training results."""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

def _proc_data(df, continuous_cols, label_name=None):
    """Transform dataframe into matrix of features and its labels.

        df(pandas.DataFrame): Dataframe to transform.
        continous_cols(list[str]): Name of columns with continous values.

        tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]: First element is the feature matrix,
        second the labels.

    features = []
    num_cols = df.shape[1]
    df.columns = list(range(num_cols))

    for i in range(num_cols - 1):

        if i in continuous_cols:
            features.append(df[i].values.reshape([-1, 1]))


    features = np.concatenate(features, axis=1)
    if label_name is None:
        label_name = num_cols - 1

    labels = df.iloc[:, label_name].values

    return features, labels

[docs]def evaluate_classification( train_data, test_data, continuous_cols, classifier=DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=20), metric=accuracy_score ): """Score a model with the given data. Args: train_csv(pandas.DataFrame): Path to the train csv file. test_csv(pandas.DataFrame): Path to the test csv file. continous_cols(list[str]): List of labels of continous columns. classifier(object): Classifier to evaluate the classification. It have to implement :meth:`fit` and :meth:`predict` methods. metric(callable): Metric to score the classifier results. Returns: float: score for the given data, classifier and metric. """ n_train = len(train_data) dataset = pd.concat([train_data, test_data]) features, labels = _proc_data(dataset, continuous_cols) train_set = features[:n_train], labels[:n_train] test_set = features[n_train:], labels[n_train:][0], train_set[1]) pred = classifier.predict(test_set[0]) return metric(test_set[1], pred)