Source code for tgan.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Module with the model for TGAN.

This module contains two classes:

- :attr:`GraphBuilder`: That defines the graph and implements a Tensorpack compatible API.
- :attr:`TGANModel`: The public API for the model, that offers a simplified interface for the
  underlying operations with GraphBuilder and trainers in order to fit and sample data.
import json
import os
import pickle
import tarfile

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorpack import (
    BatchData, BatchNorm, Dropout, FullyConnected, InputDesc, ModelDescBase, ModelSaver,
    PredictConfig, QueueInput, SaverRestore, SimpleDatasetPredictor, logger)
from tensorpack.tfutils.scope_utils import auto_reuse_variable_scope
from tensorpack.tfutils.summary import add_moving_summary
from tensorpack.utils.argtools import memoized

from import Preprocessor, RandomZData, TGANDataFlow
from tgan.trainer import GANTrainer

    'batch_size': [50, 100, 200],
    'z_dim': [50, 100, 200, 400],
    'num_gen_rnn': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600],
    'num_gen_feature': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600],
    'num_dis_layers': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    'num_dis_hidden': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500],
    'learning_rate': [0.0002, 0.0005, 0.001],
    'noise': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]

[docs]class GraphBuilder(ModelDescBase): """Main model for TGAN. Args: None Attributes: """ def __init__( self, metadata, batch_size=200, z_dim=200, noise=0.2, l2norm=0.00001, learning_rate=0.001, num_gen_rnn=100, num_gen_feature=100, num_dis_layers=1, num_dis_hidden=100, optimizer='AdamOptimizer', training=True ): """Initialize the object, set arguments as attributes.""" self.metadata = metadata self.batch_size = batch_size self.z_dim = z_dim self.noise = noise self.l2norm = l2norm self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_gen_rnn = num_gen_rnn self.num_gen_feature = num_gen_feature self.num_dis_layers = num_dis_layers self.num_dis_hidden = num_dis_hidden self.optimizer = optimizer = training
[docs] def collect_variables(self, g_scope='gen', d_scope='discrim'): """Assign generator and discriminator variables from their scopes. Args: g_scope(str): Scope for the generator. d_scope(str): Scope for the discriminator. Raises: ValueError: If any of the assignments fails or the collections are empty. """ self.g_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, g_scope) self.d_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, d_scope) if not (self.g_vars or self.d_vars): raise ValueError('There are no variables defined in some of the given scopes')
[docs] def build_losses(self, logits_real, logits_fake, extra_g=0, l2_norm=0.00001): r"""D and G play two-player minimax game with value function :math:`V(G,D)`. .. math:: min_G max_D V(D, G) = IE_{x \sim p_{data}} [log D(x)] + IE_{z \sim p_{fake}} [log (1 - D(G(z)))] Args: logits_real (tensorflow.Tensor): discrim logits from real samples. logits_fake (tensorflow.Tensor): discrim logits from fake samples from generator. extra_g(float): l2_norm(float): scale to apply L2 regularization. Returns: None """ with tf.name_scope("GAN_loss"): score_real = tf.sigmoid(logits_real) score_fake = tf.sigmoid(logits_fake) tf.summary.histogram('score-real', score_real) tf.summary.histogram('score-fake', score_fake) with tf.name_scope("discrim"): d_loss_pos = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits_real, labels=tf.ones_like(logits_real)) * 0.7 + tf.random_uniform( tf.shape(logits_real), maxval=0.3 ), name='loss_real' ) d_loss_neg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(logits_fake)), name='loss_fake') d_pos_acc = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(score_real > 0.5, tf.float32), name='accuracy_real') d_neg_acc = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(score_fake < 0.5, tf.float32), name='accuracy_fake') d_loss = 0.5 * d_loss_pos + 0.5 * d_loss_neg + \ tf.contrib.layers.apply_regularization( tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(l2_norm), tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "discrim")) self.d_loss = tf.identity(d_loss, name='loss') with tf.name_scope("gen"): g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(logits_fake))) + \ tf.contrib.layers.apply_regularization( tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(l2_norm), tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, 'gen')) g_loss = tf.identity(g_loss, name='loss') extra_g = tf.identity(extra_g, name='klloss') self.g_loss = tf.identity(g_loss + extra_g, name='final-g-loss') add_moving_summary( g_loss, extra_g, self.g_loss, self.d_loss, d_pos_acc, d_neg_acc, decay=0.)
[docs] @memoized def get_optimizer(self): """Return optimizer of base class.""" return self._get_optimizer()
[docs] def inputs(self): """Return metadata about entry data. Returns: list[tensorpack.InputDesc] Raises: ValueError: If any of the elements in self.metadata['details'] has an unsupported value in the `type` key. """ inputs = [] for col_id, col_info in enumerate(self.metadata['details']): if col_info['type'] == 'value': gaussian_components = col_info['n'] inputs.append( InputDesc(tf.float32, (self.batch_size, 1), 'input%02dvalue' % col_id)) inputs.append( InputDesc( tf.float32, (self.batch_size, gaussian_components), 'input%02dcluster' % col_id ) ) elif col_info['type'] == 'category': inputs.append(InputDesc(tf.int32, (self.batch_size, 1), 'input%02d' % col_id)) else: raise ValueError( "self.metadata['details'][{}]['type'] must be either `category` or " "`values`. Instead it was {}.".format(col_id, col_info['type']) ) return inputs
[docs] def generator(self, z): r"""Build generator graph. We generate a numerical variable in 2 steps. We first generate the value scalar :math:`v_i`, then generate the cluster vector :math:`u_i`. We generate categorical feature in 1 step as a probability distribution over all possible labels. The output and hidden state size of LSTM is :math:`n_h`. The input to the LSTM in each step :math:`t` is the random variable :math:`z`, the previous hidden vector :math:`f_{t−1}` or an embedding vector :math:`f^{\prime}_{t−1}` depending on the type of previous output, and the weighted context vector :math:`a_{t−1}`. The random variable :math:`z` has :math:`n_z` dimensions. Each dimension is sampled from :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, 1)`. The attention-based context vector at is a weighted average over all the previous LSTM outputs :math:`h_{1:t}`. So :math:`a_t` is a :math:`n_h`-dimensional vector. We learn a attention weight vector :math:`α_t \in \mathbb{R}^t` and compute context as .. math:: a_t = \sum_{k=1}^{t} \frac{\textrm{exp} {\alpha}_{t, j}} {\sum_{j} \textrm{exp} \alpha_{t,j}} h_k. We set :math: `a_0` = 0. The output of LSTM is :math:`h_t` and we project the output to a hidden vector :math:`f_t = \textrm{tanh}(W_h h_t)`, where :math:`W_h` is a learned parameter in the network. The size of :math:`f_t` is :math:`n_f` . We further convert the hidden vector to an output variable. * If the output is the value part of a continuous variable, we compute the output as :math:`v_i = \textrm{tanh}(W_t f_t)`. The hidden vector for :math:`t + 1` step is :math:`f_t`. * If the output is the cluster part of a continuous variable, we compute the output as :math:`u_i = \textrm{softmax}(W_t f_t)`. The feature vector for :math:`t + 1` step is :math:`f_t`. * If the output is a discrete variable, we compute the output as :math:`d_i = \textrm{softmax}(W_t f_t)`. The hidden vector for :math:`t + 1` step is :math:`f^{\prime}_{t} = E_i [arg_k \hspace{0.25em} \textrm{max} \hspace{0.25em} d_i ]`, where :math:`E \in R^{|D_i|×n_f}` is an embedding matrix for discrete variable :math:`D_i`. * :math:`f_0` is a special vector :math:`\texttt{<GO>}` and we learn it during the training. Args: z: Returns: list[tensorflow.Tensor]: Outpu Raises: ValueError: If any of the elements in self.metadata['details'] has an unsupported value in the `type` key. """ with tf.variable_scope('LSTM'): cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(self.num_gen_rnn) state = cell.zero_state(self.batch_size, dtype='float32') attention = tf.zeros( shape=(self.batch_size, self.num_gen_rnn), dtype='float32') input = tf.get_variable(name='go', shape=(1, self.num_gen_feature)) # <GO> input = tf.tile(input, [self.batch_size, 1]) input = tf.concat([input, z], axis=1) ptr = 0 outputs = [] states = [] for col_id, col_info in enumerate(self.metadata['details']): if col_info['type'] == 'value': output, state = cell(tf.concat([input, attention], axis=1), state) states.append(state[1]) gaussian_components = col_info['n'] with tf.variable_scope("%02d" % ptr): h = FullyConnected('FC', output, self.num_gen_feature, nl=tf.tanh) outputs.append(FullyConnected('FC2', h, 1, nl=tf.tanh)) input = tf.concat([h, z], axis=1) attw = tf.get_variable("attw", shape=(len(states), 1, 1)) attw = tf.nn.softmax(attw, axis=0) attention = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(states, axis=0) * attw, axis=0) ptr += 1 output, state = cell(tf.concat([input, attention], axis=1), state) states.append(state[1]) with tf.variable_scope("%02d" % ptr): h = FullyConnected('FC', output, self.num_gen_feature, nl=tf.tanh) w = FullyConnected('FC2', h, gaussian_components, nl=tf.nn.softmax) outputs.append(w) input = FullyConnected('FC3', w, self.num_gen_feature, nl=tf.identity) input = tf.concat([input, z], axis=1) attw = tf.get_variable("attw", shape=(len(states), 1, 1)) attw = tf.nn.softmax(attw, axis=0) attention = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(states, axis=0) * attw, axis=0) ptr += 1 elif col_info['type'] == 'category': output, state = cell(tf.concat([input, attention], axis=1), state) states.append(state[1]) with tf.variable_scope("%02d" % ptr): h = FullyConnected('FC', output, self.num_gen_feature, nl=tf.tanh) w = FullyConnected('FC2', h, col_info['n'], nl=tf.nn.softmax) outputs.append(w) one_hot = tf.one_hot(tf.argmax(w, axis=1), col_info['n']) input = FullyConnected( 'FC3', one_hot, self.num_gen_feature, nl=tf.identity) input = tf.concat([input, z], axis=1) attw = tf.get_variable("attw", shape=(len(states), 1, 1)) attw = tf.nn.softmax(attw, axis=0) attention = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(states, axis=0) * attw, axis=0) ptr += 1 else: raise ValueError( "self.metadata['details'][{}]['type'] must be either `category` or " "`values`. Instead it was {}.".format(col_id, col_info['type']) ) return outputs
[docs] @staticmethod def batch_diversity(l, n_kernel=10, kernel_dim=10): r"""Return the minibatch discrimination vector. Let :math:`f(x_i) \in \mathbb{R}^A` denote a vector of features for input :math:`x_i`, produced by some intermediate layer in the discriminator. We then multiply the vector :math:`f(x_i)` by a tensor :math:`T \in \mathbb{R}^{A×B×C}`, which results in a matrix :math:`M_i \in \mathbb{R}^{B×C}`. We then compute the :math:`L_1`-distance between the rows of the resulting matrix :math:`M_i` across samples :math:`i \in {1, 2, ... , n}` and apply a negative exponential: .. math:: cb(x_i, x_j) = exp(−||M_{i,b} − M_{j,b}||_{L_1} ) \in \mathbb{R}. The output :math:`o(x_i)` for this *minibatch layer* for a sample :math:`x_i` is then defined as the sum of the cb(xi, xj )’s to all other samples: .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{aligned} &o(x_i)_b = \sum^{n}_{j=1} cb(x_i , x_j) \in \mathbb{R}\\ &o(x_i) = \Big[ o(x_i)_1, o(x_i)_2, . . . , o(x_i)_B \Big] \in \mathbb{R}^B\\ &o(X) ∈ R^{n×B}\\ \end{aligned} Note: This is extracted from `Improved techniques for training GANs`_ (Section 3.2) by Tim Salimans, Ian Goodfellow, Wojciech Zaremba, Vicki Cheung, Alec Radford, and Xi Chen. .. _Improved techniques for training GANs: Args: l(tf.Tensor) n_kernel(int) kernel_dim(int) Returns: tensorflow.Tensor """ M = FullyConnected('fc_diversity', l, n_kernel * kernel_dim, nl=tf.identity) M = tf.reshape(M, [-1, n_kernel, kernel_dim]) M1 = tf.reshape(M, [-1, 1, n_kernel, kernel_dim]) M2 = tf.reshape(M, [1, -1, n_kernel, kernel_dim]) diff = tf.exp(-tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(M1 - M2), axis=3)) return tf.reduce_sum(diff, axis=0)
[docs] @auto_reuse_variable_scope def discriminator(self, vecs): r"""Build discriminator. We use a :math:`l`-layer fully connected neural network as the discriminator. We concatenate :math:`v_{1:n_c}`, :math:`u_{1:n_c}` and :math:`d_{1:n_d}` together as the input. We compute the internal layers as .. math:: \begin{aligned} f^{(D)}_{1} &= \textrm{LeakyReLU}(\textrm{BN}(W^{(D)}_{1}(v_{1:n_c} \oplus u_{1:n_c} \oplus d_{1:n_d}) f^{(D)}_{1} &= \textrm{LeakyReLU}(\textrm{BN}(W^{(D)}_{i}(f^{(D)}_{i−1} \oplus \textrm{diversity}(f^{(D)}_{i−1})))), i = 2:l \end{aligned} where :math:`\oplus` is the concatenation operation. :math:`\textrm{diversity}(·)` is the mini-batch discrimination vector [42]. Each dimension of the diversity vector is the total distance between one sample and all other samples in the mini-batch using some learned distance metric. :math:`\textrm{BN}(·)` is batch normalization, and :math:`\textrm{LeakyReLU}(·)` is the leaky reflect linear activation function. We further compute the output of discriminator as :math:`W^{(D)}(f^{(D)}_{l} \oplus \textrm{diversity} (f^{(D)}_{l}))` which is a scalar. Args: vecs(list[tensorflow.Tensor]): List of tensors matching the spec of :meth:`inputs` Returns: tensorpack.FullyConected: a (b, 1) logits """ logits = tf.concat(vecs, axis=1) for i in range(self.num_dis_layers): with tf.variable_scope('dis_fc{}'.format(i)): if i == 0: logits = FullyConnected( 'fc', logits, self.num_dis_hidden, nl=tf.identity, kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1) ) else: logits = FullyConnected('fc', logits, self.num_dis_hidden, nl=tf.identity) logits = tf.concat([logits, self.batch_diversity(logits)], axis=1) logits = BatchNorm('bn', logits, center=True, scale=False) logits = Dropout(logits) logits = tf.nn.leaky_relu(logits) return FullyConnected('dis_fc_top', logits, 1, nl=tf.identity)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_kl(real, pred): r"""Compute the Kullback–Leibler divergence, :math:`D_{KL}(\textrm{pred} || \textrm{real})`. Args: real(tensorflow.Tensor): Real values. pred(tensorflow.Tensor): Predicted values. Returns: float: Computed divergence for the given values. """ return tf.reduce_sum((tf.log(pred + 1e-4) - tf.log(real + 1e-4)) * pred)
[docs] def build_graph(self, *inputs): """Build the whole graph. Args: inputs(list[tensorflow.Tensor]): Returns: None """ z = tf.random_normal( [self.batch_size, self.z_dim], name='z_train') z = tf.placeholder_with_default(z, [None, self.z_dim], name='z') with tf.variable_scope('gen'): vecs_gen = self.generator(z) vecs_denorm = [] ptr = 0 for col_id, col_info in enumerate(self.metadata['details']): if col_info['type'] == 'category': t = tf.argmax(vecs_gen[ptr], axis=1) t = tf.cast(tf.reshape(t, [-1, 1]), 'float32') vecs_denorm.append(t) ptr += 1 elif col_info['type'] == 'value': vecs_denorm.append(vecs_gen[ptr]) ptr += 1 vecs_denorm.append(vecs_gen[ptr]) ptr += 1 else: raise ValueError( "self.metadata['details'][{}]['type'] must be either `category` or " "`values`. Instead it was {}.".format(col_id, col_info['type']) ) tf.identity(tf.concat(vecs_denorm, axis=1), name='gen') vecs_pos = [] ptr = 0 for col_id, col_info in enumerate(self.metadata['details']): if col_info['type'] == 'category': one_hot = tf.one_hot(tf.reshape(inputs[ptr], [-1]), col_info['n']) noise_input = one_hot if noise = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(one_hot), minval=0, maxval=self.noise) noise_input = (one_hot + noise) / tf.reduce_sum( one_hot + noise, keepdims=True, axis=1) vecs_pos.append(noise_input) ptr += 1 elif col_info['type'] == 'value': vecs_pos.append(inputs[ptr]) ptr += 1 vecs_pos.append(inputs[ptr]) ptr += 1 else: raise ValueError( "self.metadata['details'][{}]['type'] must be either `category` or " "`values`. Instead it was {}.".format(col_id, col_info['type']) ) KL = 0. ptr = 0 if for col_id, col_info in enumerate(self.metadata['details']): if col_info['type'] == 'category': dist = tf.reduce_sum(vecs_gen[ptr], axis=0) dist = dist / tf.reduce_sum(dist) real = tf.reduce_sum(vecs_pos[ptr], axis=0) real = real / tf.reduce_sum(real) KL += self.compute_kl(real, dist) ptr += 1 elif col_info['type'] == 'value': ptr += 1 dist = tf.reduce_sum(vecs_gen[ptr], axis=0) dist = dist / tf.reduce_sum(dist) real = tf.reduce_sum(vecs_pos[ptr], axis=0) real = real / tf.reduce_sum(real) KL += self.compute_kl(real, dist) ptr += 1 else: raise ValueError( "self.metadata['details'][{}]['type'] must be either `category` or " "`values`. Instead it was {}.".format(col_id, col_info['type']) ) with tf.variable_scope('discrim'): discrim_pos = self.discriminator(vecs_pos) discrim_neg = self.discriminator(vecs_gen) self.build_losses(discrim_pos, discrim_neg, extra_g=KL, l2_norm=self.l2norm) self.collect_variables()
def _get_optimizer(self): if self.optimizer == 'AdamOptimizer': return tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate, 0.5) elif self.optimizer == 'AdadeltaOptimizer': return tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(self.learning_rate, 0.95) else: return tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
[docs]class TGANModel: """Main model from TGAN. Args: continuous_columns (list[int]): 0-index list of column indices to be considered continuous. output (str, optional): Path to store the model and its artifacts. Defaults to :attr:`output`. gpu (list[str], optional):Comma separated list of GPU(s) to use. Defaults to :attr:`None`. max_epoch (int, optional): Number of epochs to use during training. Defaults to :attr:`5`. steps_per_epoch (int, optional): Number of steps to run on each epoch. Defaults to :attr:`10000`. save_checkpoints(bool, optional): Whether or not to store checkpoints of the model after each training epoch. Defaults to :attr:`True` restore_session(bool, optional): Whether or not continue training from the last checkpoint. Defaults to :attr:`True`. batch_size (int, optional): Size of the batch to feed the model at each step. Defaults to :attr:`200`. z_dim (int, optional): Number of dimensions in the noise input for the generator. Defaults to :attr:`100`. noise (float, optional): Upper bound to the gaussian noise added to categorical columns. Defaults to :attr:`0.2`. l2norm (float, optional): L2 reguralization coefficient when computing losses. Defaults to :attr:`0.00001`. learning_rate (float, optional): Learning rate for the optimizer. Defaults to :attr:`0.001`. num_gen_rnn (int, optional): Defaults to :attr:`400`. num_gen_feature (int, optional): Number of features of in the generator. Defaults to :attr:`100` num_dis_layers (int, optional): Defaults to :attr:`2`. num_dis_hidden (int, optional): Defaults to :attr:`200`. optimizer (str, optional): Name of the optimizer to use during `fit`,possible values are: [`GradientDescentOptimizer`, `AdamOptimizer`, `AdadeltaOptimizer`]. Defaults to :attr:`AdamOptimizer`. """ def __init__( self, continuous_columns, output='output', gpu=None, max_epoch=5, steps_per_epoch=10000, save_checkpoints=True, restore_session=True, batch_size=200, z_dim=200, noise=0.2, l2norm=0.00001, learning_rate=0.001, num_gen_rnn=100, num_gen_feature=100, num_dis_layers=1, num_dis_hidden=100, optimizer='AdamOptimizer', ): """Initialize object.""" # Output self.continuous_columns = continuous_columns self.log_dir = os.path.join(output, 'logs') self.model_dir = os.path.join(output, 'model') self.output = output # Training params self.max_epoch = max_epoch self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch self.save_checkpoints = save_checkpoints self.restore_session = restore_session # Model params self.model = None self.batch_size = batch_size self.z_dim = z_dim self.noise = noise self.l2norm = l2norm self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_gen_rnn = num_gen_rnn self.num_gen_feature = num_gen_feature self.num_dis_layers = num_dis_layers self.num_dis_hidden = num_dis_hidden self.optimizer = optimizer if gpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu self.gpu = gpu
[docs] def get_model(self, training=True): """Return a new instance of the model.""" return GraphBuilder( metadata=self.metadata, batch_size=self.batch_size, z_dim=self.z_dim, noise=self.noise, l2norm=self.l2norm, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, num_gen_rnn=self.num_gen_rnn, num_gen_feature=self.num_gen_feature, num_dis_layers=self.num_dis_layers, num_dis_hidden=self.num_dis_hidden, optimizer=self.optimizer, training=training )
[docs] def prepare_sampling(self): """Prepare model for generate samples.""" if self.model is None: self.model = self.get_model(training=False) else: = False predict_config = PredictConfig( session_init=SaverRestore(self.restore_path), model=self.model, input_names=['z'], output_names=['gen/gen', 'z'], ) self.simple_dataset_predictor = SimpleDatasetPredictor( predict_config, RandomZData((self.batch_size, self.z_dim)) )
[docs] def fit(self, data): """Fit the model to the given data. Args: data(pandas.DataFrame): dataset to fit the model. Returns: None """ self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(continuous_columns=self.continuous_columns) data = self.preprocessor.fit_transform(data) self.metadata = self.preprocessor.metadata dataflow = TGANDataFlow(data, self.metadata) batch_data = BatchData(dataflow, self.batch_size) input_queue = QueueInput(batch_data) self.model = self.get_model(training=True) trainer = GANTrainer( model=self.model, input_queue=input_queue, ) self.restore_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'checkpoint') if os.path.isfile(self.restore_path) and self.restore_session: session_init = SaverRestore(self.restore_path) with open(os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'stats.json')) as f: starting_epoch = json.load(f)[-1]['epoch_num'] + 1 else: session_init = None starting_epoch = 1 action = 'k' if self.restore_session else None logger.set_logger_dir(self.log_dir, action=action) callbacks = [] if self.save_checkpoints: callbacks.append(ModelSaver(checkpoint_dir=self.model_dir)) trainer.train_with_defaults( callbacks=callbacks, steps_per_epoch=self.steps_per_epoch, max_epoch=self.max_epoch, session_init=session_init, starting_epoch=starting_epoch ) self.prepare_sampling()
[docs] def sample(self, num_samples): """Generate samples from model. Args: num_samples(int) Returns: None Raises: ValueError """ max_iters = (num_samples // self.batch_size) results = [] for idx, o in enumerate(self.simple_dataset_predictor.get_result()): results.append(o[0]) if idx + 1 == max_iters: break results = np.concatenate(results, axis=0) ptr = 0 features = {} for col_id, col_info in enumerate(self.metadata['details']): if col_info['type'] == 'category': features['f%02d' % col_id] = results[:, ptr:ptr + 1] ptr += 1 elif col_info['type'] == 'value': gaussian_components = col_info['n'] val = results[:, ptr:ptr + 1] ptr += 1 pro = results[:, ptr:ptr + gaussian_components] ptr += gaussian_components features['f%02d' % col_id] = np.concatenate([val, pro], axis=1) else: raise ValueError( "self.metadata['details'][{}]['type'] must be either `category` or " "`values`. Instead it was {}.".format(col_id, col_info['type']) ) return self.preprocessor.reverse_transform(features)[:num_samples].copy()
[docs] def tar_folder(self, tar_name): """Generate a tar of :self.output:.""" with, 'w:gz') as tar_handle: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.output): for file_ in files: tar_handle.add(os.path.join(root, file_)) tar_handle.close()
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): """Load a pretrained model from a given path.""" with, 'r:gz') as tar_handle: destination_dir = os.path.dirname(tar_handle.getmembers()[0].name) tar_handle.extractall() with open('{}/TGANModel'.format(destination_dir), 'rb') as f: instance = pickle.load(f) instance.prepare_sampling() return instance
[docs] def save(self, path, force=False): """Save the fitted model in the given path.""" if os.path.exists(path) and not force:'The indicated path already exists. Use `force=True` to overwrite.') return base_path = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(base_path): os.makedirs(base_path) model = self.model dataset_predictor = self.simple_dataset_predictor self.model = None self.simple_dataset_predictor = None with open('{}/TGANModel'.format(self.output), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) self.model = model self.simple_dataset_predictor = dataset_predictor self.tar_folder(path)'Model saved successfully.')