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The Constraints are implemented in the sub-package sdv.constraints.

Base Constraint

All the Constraints in SDV inherit from the sdv.constraint.base.Constraint class.

The Constraint defines the public API for all its subclasses. The public API is implemented in some cases using no-op (methods that do nothing) or identity (methods that return what they are given) methods, so subclasses can overwrite only what they need but still have a complete API which is compatible with the rest of the project.

The following public methods are implemented in this class:

  • fit: No-op method.

  • transform: Identity method.

  • fit_transform: Call self.fit and then call self.transform and return its outputs.

  • reverse_transform: Identity method.

  • is_valid: Return a pandas.Series full or True values with the same length as the given data.

  • filter_valid: Return only the rows for which self.is_valid returns True.

  • from_dict: Build a Constraint from its dict representation.

  • to_dict: Return a dict representing the Constraint.

Implementing a Custom Constraint

In order to implement a custom constraint, all you need to do is create a subclass of Constraint and implement your own fit, transform, reverse_transform and is_valid methods.

Let us think, for example, of the following scenario: Suppose we have a dataset about invertebrate and that there is a column that indicates their number of legs. Insects, which are one of the most common invertebrate, always have 6 legs, but there are other families which have none, or just 2, and some even extend to hundreds of legs. But this value has the following properties:

  • It is always positive.

  • It is always an even number.

Expecting our tabular models to learn such properties on their own is very hard, especially regarding the even numbers, so we will try to help the models by defining a custom Constraint called PositiveEvenInteger, which inherits from Constraint.

class PositiveEvenInteger(Constraint):
    """Ensure that values are positive and even."""


The simplest way to ensure that the values have the desired properties is to validate them, so let’s define the is_valid method accordingly:

class PositiveEven(Constraint):
    """Ensure that values are positive and even."""

    def __init__(self, column_name):
        self._column_name = column_name

    def is_valid(self, table_data):
        """Say if values are positive and even."""
        column_data = table_data[self._column_name]
        positive = column_data >= 0
        even = column_data.mod(2) == 0

        return positive & even


Notice how we also had to add a column_name argument to our __init__ method, so we know which column we need to validate.

With the current implementation modeling would happen as usual. However, during sampling, all the rows would be validated using the is_valid method that we implemented, and invalid rows would be rejected and re-sampled until the number of desired rows has been generated.

In this case this might be acceptable because each row only has a 50% chance of being invalid, which means that, on average, we would need the model to sample only 2 times the number of rows that we need in order to get enough valid rows. However, in some other cases this can take a long time, especially if the condition imposed has a very low chance of being true. In such cases, we might want to use a transformation strategy where the data is transformed before modeling into something that the model can learn more easily, and then reverted after sampling back into the original format.

For our dataset, a possibility would be to divide the number of legs by two, so we end up modeling and sampling the number of pairs of legs instead of the number of legs:

class PositiveEven(Constraint):
    """Ensure that values are positive and even."""

    def __init__(self, column_name):
        self._column_name = column_name

    def is_valid(self, table_data):
        """Say if values are positive and even."""
        column_data = table_data[self._column_name]
        positive = column_data >= 0
        even = column_data.mod(2) == 0

        return positive & even

    def transform(self, table_data):
        """Divide the data by two before modeling."""
        table_data[self._column_name] = table_data[self._column_name] / 2
        return table_data

    def reverse_transform(self, table_data):
        """Multiply the data by two after sampling."""
        table_data[self._column_name] = table_data[self._column_name] * 2
        return table_data
class PositiveEven(Constraint):
    """Ensure that values are positive and even."""

    def __init__(self, column_name):
        self._column_name = column_name

    def is_valid(self, table_data):
        """Say if values are positive and even."""
        column_data = table_data[self._column_name]
        positive = column_data >= 0
        even = column_data.mod(2) == 0

        return positive & even

    def transform(self, table_data):
        """Divide the data by two before modeling."""
        table_data[self._column_name] = table_data[self._column_name] / 2
        return table_data

    def reverse_transform(self, table_data):
        """Multiply the data by two after sampling."""
        table_data[self._column_name] = table_data[self._column_name] * 2
        return table_data