Source code for sdv.relational.hma

"""Hierarchical Modeling Algorithms."""

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sdv.relational.base import BaseRelationalModel
from sdv.tabular.copulas import GaussianCopula

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HMA1(BaseRelationalModel): """Hierarchical Modeling Algorithm One. Args: metadata (dict, str or Metadata): Metadata dict, path to the metadata JSON file or Metadata instance itself. root_path (str or None): Path to the dataset directory. If ``None`` and metadata is a path, the metadata location is used. If ``None`` and metadata is a dict, the current working directory is used. model (type): Class of the ``copula`` to use. Defaults to ``sdv.models.copulas.GaussianCopula``. model_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the model. If the default model is used, this defaults to using a ``gaussian`` distribution and a ``FrequencyEncoder_noised`` transformer. """ DEFAULT_MODEL = GaussianCopula DEFAULT_MODEL_KWARGS = { 'default_distribution': 'gaussian', 'categorical_transformer': 'FrequencyEncoder_noised', }
[docs] def __init__(self, metadata, root_path=None, model=None, model_kwargs=None): super().__init__(metadata, root_path) if model is None: model = self.DEFAULT_MODEL if model_kwargs is None: model_kwargs = self.DEFAULT_MODEL_KWARGS self._model = model self._model_kwargs = model_kwargs or {} self._models = {} self._table_sizes = {} self._max_child_rows = {}
# ######## # # MODELING # # ######## # def _get_extension(self, child_name, child_table, foreign_key): """Generate the extension columns for this child table. The resulting dataframe will have an index that contains all the foreign key values. The values for a given index are generated by flattening a model fitted with the child rows with that foreign key value. Args: child_name (str): Name of the child table. child_table (pandas.DataFrame): Data for the child table. foreign_key (str): Name of the foreign key field. Returns: pandas.DataFrame """ table_meta = self._models[child_name].get_metadata() extension_rows = list() foreign_key_values = child_table[foreign_key].unique() child_table = child_table.set_index(foreign_key) child_primary = self.metadata.get_primary_key(child_name) index = [] scale_columns = None for foreign_key_value in foreign_key_values: child_rows = child_table.loc[[foreign_key_value]] if child_primary in child_rows.columns: del child_rows[child_primary] try: model = self._model(table_metadata=table_meta) row = model.get_parameters() row = pd.Series(row) row.index = f'__{child_name}__{foreign_key}__' + row.index if scale_columns is None: scale_columns = [ column for column in row.index if column.endswith('scale') ] if len(child_rows) == 1: row.loc[scale_columns] = None extension_rows.append(row) index.append(foreign_key_value) except Exception: # Skip children rows subsets that fail pass return pd.DataFrame(extension_rows, index=index) def _load_table(self, tables, table_name): """Load the specified table. Args: tables (dict or None): A dictionary mapping table name to table. table_name (str): The name of the desired table. Returns: pandas.DataFrame """ if tables and table_name in tables: table = tables[table_name].copy() else: table = self.metadata.load_table(table_name) tables[table_name] = table return table def _extend_table(self, table, tables, table_name): """Generate the extension columns for this table. For each of the table's foreign keys, generate the related extension columns, and extend the provided table. Args: table (pandas.DataFrame): The table to extend. tables (dict): A dictionary mapping table_name to table data (pandas.DataFrame). table_name (str): The name of the table. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The extended table. """'Computing extensions for table %s', table_name) for child_name in self.metadata.get_children(table_name): if child_name not in self._models: child_table = self._model_table(child_name, tables) else: child_table = tables[child_name] foreign_keys = self.metadata.get_foreign_keys(table_name, child_name) for index, foreign_key in enumerate(foreign_keys): extension = self._get_extension(child_name, child_table, foreign_key) table = table.merge(extension, how='left', right_index=True, left_index=True) num_rows_key = f'__{child_name}__{foreign_key}__num_rows' table[num_rows_key].fillna(0, inplace=True) self._max_child_rows[num_rows_key] = table[num_rows_key].max() return table def _prepare_for_modeling(self, table_data, table_name, primary_key): """Prepare the given table for modeling. In preparation for modeling a given table, do the following: - drop the primary key if exists - drop any other columns of type 'id' - add unknown fields to metadata as numerical fields, and fill missing values in those fields Args: table_data (pandas.DataFrame): The data of the desired table. table_name (str): The name of the table. primary_key (str): The name of the primary key column. Returns: (dict, dict): A tuple containing the table metadata to use for modeling, and the values of the id columns. """ table_meta = self.metadata.get_table_meta(table_name) table_meta['name'] = table_name fields = table_meta['fields'] if primary_key: table_meta['primary_key'] = None del table_meta['fields'][primary_key] keys = {} for name, field in list(fields.items()): if field['type'] == 'id': keys[name] = table_data.pop(name).values del fields[name] for column in table_data.columns: if column not in fields: fields[column] = { 'type': 'numerical', 'subtype': 'float' } column_data = table_data[column] if column_data.dtype in (int, float): fill_value = 0 if column_data.isna().all() else column_data.mean() else: fill_value = column_data.mode()[0] table_data[column] = table_data[column].fillna(fill_value) return table_meta, keys def _model_table(self, table_name, tables): """Model the indicated table and its children. Args: table_name (str): Name of the table to model. tables (dict): Dict of original tables. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: table data with the extensions created while modeling its children. """'Modeling %s', table_name) table = self._load_table(tables, table_name) self._table_sizes[table_name] = len(table) primary_key = self.metadata.get_primary_key(table_name) if primary_key: table = table.set_index(primary_key) table = self._extend_table(table, tables, table_name) table_meta, keys = self._prepare_for_modeling(table, table_name, primary_key)'Fitting %s for table %s; shape: %s', self._model.__name__, table_name, table.shape) model = self._model(**self._model_kwargs, table_metadata=table_meta) self._models[table_name] = model if primary_key: table.reset_index(inplace=True) for name, values in keys.items(): table[name] = values tables[table_name] = table return table def _fit(self, tables=None): """Fit this HMA1 instance to the dataset data. Args: tables (dict): Dictionary with the table names as key and ``pandas.DataFrame`` instances as values. If ``None`` is given, the tables will be loaded from the paths indicated in ``metadata``. Defaults to ``None``. """ self.metadata.validate(tables) if tables: tables = tables.copy() else: tables = {} for table_name in self.metadata.get_tables(): if not self.metadata.get_parents(table_name): self._model_table(table_name, tables)'Modeling Complete') # ######## # # SAMPLING # # ######## # def _finalize(self, sampled_data): """Do the final touches to the generated data. This method reverts the previous transformations to go back to values in the original space and also adds the parent keys in case foreign key relationships exist between the tables. Args: sampled_data (dict): Generated data Return: pandas.DataFrame: Formatted synthesized data. """ final_data = dict() for table_name, table_rows in sampled_data.items(): parents = self.metadata.get_parents(table_name) if parents: for parent_name in parents: foreign_keys = self.metadata.get_foreign_keys(parent_name, table_name) for foreign_key in foreign_keys: if foreign_key not in table_rows: parent_ids = self._find_parent_ids( table_name, parent_name, foreign_key, sampled_data) table_rows[foreign_key] = parent_ids dtypes = self.metadata.get_dtypes(table_name, ids=True) for name, dtype in dtypes.items(): table_rows[name] = table_rows[name].dropna().astype(dtype) final_data[table_name] = table_rows[list(dtypes.keys())] return final_data def _extract_parameters(self, parent_row, table_name, foreign_key): """Get the params from a generated parent row. Args: parent_row (pandas.Series): A generated parent row. table_name (str): Name of the table to make the model for. foreign_key (str): Name of the foreign key used to form this parent child relationship. """ prefix = f'__{table_name}__{foreign_key}__' keys = [key for key in parent_row.keys() if key.startswith(prefix)] new_keys = {key: key[len(prefix):] for key in keys} flat_parameters = parent_row[keys] num_rows_key = f'{prefix}num_rows' if num_rows_key in flat_parameters: num_rows = flat_parameters[num_rows_key] flat_parameters[num_rows_key] = min(self._max_child_rows[num_rows_key], num_rows) return flat_parameters.rename(new_keys).to_dict() def _sample_rows(self, model, table_name, num_rows=None): """Sample ``num_rows`` from ``model``. Args: model (copula.multivariate.base): Fitted model. table_name (str): Name of the table to sample from. num_rows (int): Number of rows to sample. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Sampled rows, shape (, num_rows) """ num_rows = num_rows or model._num_rows sampled = model._sample_with_progress_bar( num_rows, output_file_path='disable', show_progress_bar=False) primary_key_name = self.metadata.get_primary_key(table_name) if primary_key_name: primary_key_values = self._get_primary_keys(table_name, len(sampled)) sampled[primary_key_name] = primary_key_values return sampled def _sample_child_rows(self, table_name, parent_name, parent_row, sampled_data): """Sample child rows that reference the given parent row. The sampled rows will be stored in ``sampled_data`` under the ``table_name`` key. Args: table_name (str): The name of the table to sample. parent_name (str): The name of the parent table. parent_row (pandas.Series): The parent row the child rows should reference. sampled_data (dict): A map of table name to sampled table data (pandas.DataFrame). """ foreign_key = self.metadata.get_foreign_keys(parent_name, table_name)[0] parameters = self._extract_parameters(parent_row, table_name, foreign_key) table_meta = self._models[table_name].get_metadata() model = self._model(table_metadata=table_meta) model.set_parameters(parameters) table_rows = self._sample_rows(model, table_name) if len(table_rows): parent_key = self.metadata.get_primary_key(parent_name) table_rows[foreign_key] = parent_row[parent_key] previous = sampled_data.get(table_name) if previous is None: sampled_data[table_name] = table_rows else: sampled_data[table_name] = pd.concat( [previous, table_rows]).reset_index(drop=True) def _sample_children(self, table_name, sampled_data, table_rows): """Recursively sample the child tables of the given table. Sampled child data will be stored into `sampled_data`. Args: table_name (str): The name of the table whose children will be sampled. sampled_data (dict): A map of table name to the sampled table data (pandas.DataFrame). table_rows (pandas.DataFrame): The sampled rows of the given table. """ for child_name in self.metadata.get_children(table_name): if child_name not in sampled_data:'Sampling rows from child table %s', child_name) for _, row in table_rows.iterrows(): self._sample_child_rows(child_name, table_name, row, sampled_data) child_rows = sampled_data[child_name] self._sample_children(child_name, sampled_data, child_rows) @staticmethod def _find_parent_id(likelihoods, num_rows): """Find the parent id for one row based on the likelihoods of parent id values. If likelihoods are invalid, fall back to the num_rows. Args: likelihoods (pandas.Series): The likelihood of parent id values. num_rows (pandas.Series): The number of times each parent id value appears in the data. Returns: int: The parent id for this row, chosen based on likelihoods. """ mean = likelihoods.mean() if (likelihoods == 0).all(): # All rows got 0 likelihood, fallback to num_rows likelihoods = num_rows elif pd.isnull(mean) or mean == 0: # Some rows got singular matrix error and the rest were 0 # Fallback to num_rows on the singular matrix rows and # keep 0s on the rest. likelihoods = likelihoods.fillna(num_rows) else: # at least one row got a valid likelihood, so fill the # rows that got a singular matrix error with the mean likelihoods = likelihoods.fillna(mean) total = likelihoods.sum() if total == 0: # Worse case scenario: we have no likelihoods # and all num_rows are 0, so we fallback to uniform length = len(likelihoods) weights = np.ones(length) / length else: weights = likelihoods.values / total return np.random.choice(likelihoods.index, p=weights) def _get_likelihoods(self, table_rows, parent_rows, table_name, foreign_key): """Calculate the likelihood of each parent id value appearing in the data. Args: table_rows (pandas.DataFrame): The rows in the child table. parent_rows (pandas.DataFrame): The rows in the parent table. table_name (str): The name of the child table. foreign_key (str): The foreign key column in the child table. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame of the likelihood of each parent id. """ likelihoods = dict() for parent_id, row in parent_rows.iterrows(): parameters = self._extract_parameters(row, table_name, foreign_key) table_meta = self._models[table_name].get_metadata() model = self._model(table_metadata=table_meta) model.set_parameters(parameters) try: likelihoods[parent_id] = model.get_likelihood(table_rows) except (AttributeError, np.linalg.LinAlgError): likelihoods[parent_id] = None return pd.DataFrame(likelihoods, index=table_rows.index) def _find_parent_ids(self, table_name, parent_name, foreign_key, sampled_data): """Find parent ids for the given table and foreign key. The parent ids are chosen randomly based on the likelihood of the available parent ids in the parent table. If the parent table is not sampled, this method will first sample rows for the parent table. Args: table_name (str): The name of the table to find parent ids for. parent_name (str): The name of the parent table. foreign_key (str): The name of the foreign key column in the child table. sampled_data (dict): Map of table name to sampled data (pandas.DataFrame). Returns: pandas.Series: The parent ids for the given table data. """ table_rows = sampled_data[table_name] if parent_name in sampled_data: parent_rows = sampled_data[parent_name] else: ratio = self._table_sizes[parent_name] / self._table_sizes[table_name] num_parent_rows = max(int(round(len(table_rows) * ratio)), 1) parent_model = self._models[parent_name] parent_rows = self._sample_rows(parent_model, parent_name, num_parent_rows) primary_key = self.metadata.get_primary_key(parent_name) parent_rows = parent_rows.set_index(primary_key) num_rows = parent_rows[f'__{table_name}__{foreign_key}__num_rows'].fillna(0).clip(0) likelihoods = self._get_likelihoods(table_rows, parent_rows, table_name, foreign_key) return likelihoods.apply(self._find_parent_id, axis=1, num_rows=num_rows) def _sample_table(self, table_name, num_rows=None, sample_children=True, sampled_data=None): """Sample a single table and optionally its children.""" if sampled_data is None: sampled_data = {} if num_rows is None: num_rows = self._table_sizes[table_name]'Sampling %s rows from table %s', num_rows, table_name) model = self._models[table_name] table_rows = self._sample_rows(model, table_name, num_rows) sampled_data[table_name] = table_rows if sample_children: self._sample_children(table_name, sampled_data, table_rows) return sampled_data def _sample(self, table_name=None, num_rows=None, sample_children=True): """Sample the entire dataset. ``sample_all`` returns a dictionary with all the tables of the dataset sampled. The amount of rows sampled will depend from table to table, and is only guaranteed to match ``num_rows`` on tables without parents. This is because the children tables are created modelling the relation that they have with their parent tables, so its behavior may change from one table to another. Args: num_rows (int): Number of rows to be sampled on the first parent tables. If ``None``, sample the same number of rows as in the original tables. reset_primary_keys (bool): Whether or not reset the primary key generators. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing as keys the names of the tables and as values the sampled datatables as ``pandas.DataFrame``. Raises: NotFittedError: A ``NotFittedError`` is raised when the ``SDV`` instance has not been fitted yet. """ if table_name: sampled_data = self._sample_table(table_name, num_rows, sample_children) sampled_data = self._finalize(sampled_data) if sample_children: return sampled_data return sampled_data[table_name] sampled_data = dict() for table in self.metadata.get_tables(): if not self.metadata.get_parents(table): self._sample_table(table, num_rows, sampled_data=sampled_data) return self._finalize(sampled_data)