Source code for sdmetrics.single_table.privacy.base

"""Base class for privacy metrics for single table datasets."""
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np

from sdmetrics.goal import Goal
from sdmetrics.single_table.base import SingleTableMetric
from sdmetrics.single_table.privacy.loss import InverseCDFDistance
from sdmetrics.utils import get_columns_from_metadata

class CategoricalType(Enum):
    """Enumerates the type required for a categorical data.

    The value can be one-hot-encoded, or coded as class number.

    CLASS_NUM = 'Class_num'
    ONE_HOT = 'One_hot'

[docs]class CategoricalPrivacyMetric(SingleTableMetric): """Base class for Categorical Privacy metrics on single tables. These metrics fit an adversial attacker model on the synthetic data and then evaluate its accuracy (or probability of making the correct attack) on the real data. Attributes: name (str): Name to use when reports about this metric are printed. goal (sdmetrics.goal.Goal): The goal of this metric. min_value (Union[float, tuple[float]]): Minimum value or values that this metric can take. max_value (Union[float, tuple[float]]): Maximum value or values that this metric can take. model: Model class to use for the prediction. model_kwargs: Keyword arguments to use to create the model instance. accuracy_base (bool): True if the privacy score should be based on the accuracy of the attacker, False if it should be based on the probability of making the correct attack. """ name = None goal = Goal.MAXIMIZE min_value = 0 max_value = 1 MODEL = None MODEL_KWARGS = {} ACCURACY_BASE = None @classmethod def _fit(cls, synthetic_data, key_fields, sensitive_fields, model_kwargs): if model_kwargs is None: model_kwargs = cls.MODEL_KWARGS.copy() if cls.MODEL_KWARGS else {} model = cls.MODEL(**model_kwargs), key_fields, sensitive_fields) return model @classmethod def _validate_inputs(cls, real_data, synthetic_data, metadata, key_fields, sensitive_fields): real_data, synthetic_data, metadata = super()._validate_inputs( real_data, synthetic_data, metadata) if 'key_fields' in metadata: key_fields = metadata['key_fields'] elif key_fields is None: raise TypeError('`key_fields` must be passed either directly or inside `metadata`') if 'sensitive_fields' in metadata: sensitive_fields = metadata['sensitive_fields'] elif sensitive_fields is None: raise TypeError( '`sensitive_fields` must be passed either directly or inside `metadata`') if len(key_fields) == 0 or len(sensitive_fields) == 0: raise ValueError('`key_fields` or `sensitive_fields` is empty') return key_fields, sensitive_fields, metadata @classmethod def compute(cls, real_data, synthetic_data, metadata=None, key_fields=None, sensitive_fields=None, model_kwargs=None): """Compute this metric. This fits an adversial attacker model on the synthetic data and then evaluates it making predictions on the real data. A ``key_fields`` column(s) name must be given, either directly or as a first level entry in the ``metadata`` dict, which will be used as the key column(s) for the attack. A ``sensitive_fields`` column(s) name must be given, either directly or as a first level entry in the ``metadata`` dict, which will be used as the sensitive_fields column(s) for the attack. Args: real_data (Union[numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame]): The values from the real dataset. synthetic_data (Union[numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame]): The values from the synthetic dataset. metadata (dict): Table metadata dict. If not passed, it is build based on the real_data fields and dtypes. key_fields (list(str)): Name of the column(s) to use as the key attributes. sensitive_fields (list(str)): Name of the column(s) to use as the sensitive attributes. model_kwargs (dict): Key word arguments of the attacker model. cls.MODEL_KWARGS will be used if none is provided. Returns: union[float, tuple[float]]: Scores obtained by the attackers when evaluated on the real data. """ key_fields, sensitive_fields, metadata = cls._validate_inputs( real_data, synthetic_data, metadata, key_fields, sensitive_fields ) for col in key_fields + sensitive_fields: data_type = get_columns_from_metadata(metadata)[col] if (data_type != cls._DTYPES_TO_TYPES['i'] and data_type != cls._DTYPES_TO_TYPES['O'] and data_type != cls._DTYPES_TO_TYPES['b']): # check data type raise TypeError(f'Column {col} has invalid data type {data_type}') model = cls._fit(synthetic_data, key_fields, sensitive_fields, model_kwargs) if cls.ACCURACY_BASE: # calculate privacy score based on prediction accuracy count = len(real_data) match = 0 for idx in range(count): key_data = tuple(real_data[key_fields].iloc[idx]) sensitive_data = tuple(real_data[sensitive_fields].iloc[idx]) pred_sensitive = model.predict(key_data) if pred_sensitive == sensitive_data: match += 1 return 1.0 - match / count else: # calculate privacy score based on posterior prob of the correct sensitive data count = 0 score = 0 for idx in range(len(real_data)): key_data = tuple(real_data[key_fields].iloc[idx]) sensitive_data = tuple(real_data[sensitive_fields].iloc[idx]) row_score = model.score(key_data, sensitive_data) if row_score is not None: count += 1 score += row_score if count == 0: return 0 return 1.0 - score / count
[docs]class NumericalPrivacyMetric(SingleTableMetric): """Base class for Numerical Privacy metrics on single tables. These metrics fit an adversial attacker model on the synthetic data and then evaluate its accuracy (or probability of making the correct attack) on the real data. Attributes: name (str): Name to use when reports about this metric are printed. goal (sdmetrics.goal.Goal): The goal of this metric. min_value (Union[float, tuple[float]]): Minimum value or values that this metric can take. max_value (Union[float, tuple[float]]): Maximum value or values that this metric can take. model (Class): Model class to use for the prediction. model_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to use to create the model instance. loss_function (Class): Loss function to use when evaluating the accuracy of the privacy attack. loss_function_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to use to create the loss function instance. """ name = None goal = Goal.MAXIMIZE min_value = 0 max_value = np.inf MODEL = None MODEL_KWARGS = {} LOSS_FUNCTION = InverseCDFDistance LOSS_FUNCTION_KWARGS = {'p': 2} @classmethod def _fit(cls, synthetic_data, key_fields, sensitive_fields, model_kwargs): if model_kwargs is None: model_kwargs = cls.MODEL_KWARGS.copy() if cls.MODEL_KWARGS else {} model = cls.MODEL(**model_kwargs), key_fields, sensitive_fields) return model @classmethod def _validate_inputs(cls, real_data, synthetic_data, metadata, key_fields, sensitive_fields): real_data, synthetic_data, metadata = super()._validate_inputs( real_data, synthetic_data, metadata) if 'key_fields' in metadata: key_fields = metadata['key_fields'] elif key_fields is None: raise TypeError('`key_fields` must be passed either directly or inside `metadata`') if 'sensitive_fields' in metadata: sensitive_fields = metadata['sensitive_fields'] elif sensitive_fields is None: raise TypeError( '`sensitive_fields` must be passed either directly or inside `metadata`') if len(key_fields) == 0 or len(sensitive_fields) == 0: raise ValueError('`key_fields` or `sensitive_fields` is empty') return key_fields, sensitive_fields, metadata @classmethod def compute(cls, real_data, synthetic_data, metadata=None, key_fields=None, sensitive_fields=None, model_kwargs=None, loss_function=None, loss_function_kwargs=None): """Compute this metric. This fits an adversial attacker model on the synthetic data and then evaluates it making predictions on the real data. A ``key_fields`` column(s) name must be given, either directly or as a first level entry in the ``metadata`` dict, which will be used as the key column(s) for the attack. A ``sensitive_fields`` column(s) name must be given, either directly or as a first level entry in the ``metadata`` dict, which will be used as the sensitive column(s) for the attack. Args: real_data (Union[numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame]): The values from the real dataset. synthetic_data (Union[numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame]): The values from the synthetic dataset. metadata (dict): Table metadata dict. If not passed, it is build based on the real_data fields and dtypes. key_fields (list(str)): Name of the column(s) to use as the key attributes. sensitive_fields (list(str)): Name of the column(s) to use as the sensitive attributes. model_kwargs (dict): Key word arguments of the attacker model. cls.MODEL_KWARGS will be used if none is provided. loss_function (Class): The loss function to use. cls.LOSS_FUNCTION will be used if none is provided. loss_function_kwargs (dict): Key word arguments of the loss function. cls.LOSS_FUNCTION_KWARGS will be used if none is provided. Returns: union[float, tuple[float]]: Scores obtained by the attackers when evaluated on the real data. """ key_fields, sensitive_fields, metadata = ( cls._validate_inputs(real_data, synthetic_data, metadata, key_fields, sensitive_fields) ) for col in key_fields + sensitive_fields: data_type = get_columns_from_metadata(metadata)[col] # check data type if data_type != cls._DTYPES_TO_TYPES['i'] and data_type != cls._DTYPES_TO_TYPES['f']: raise TypeError(f'Column {col} has invalid data type {data_type}') model = cls._fit(synthetic_data, key_fields, sensitive_fields, model_kwargs) if loss_function_kwargs is None: loss_function_kwargs = cls.LOSS_FUNCTION_KWARGS if loss_function is None: loss_function = cls.LOSS_FUNCTION(**loss_function_kwargs) else: loss_function = loss_function(**loss_function_kwargs), sensitive_fields) count = len(real_data) score = 0 for idx in range(count): key_data = tuple(real_data[key_fields].iloc[idx]) sensitive_data = tuple(real_data[sensitive_fields].iloc[idx]) pred_sensitive = model.predict(key_data) score += loss_function.measure(pred_sensitive, sensitive_data) return score / count
class PrivacyAttackerModel(): """Train and evaluate a privacy model. Train a model to predict sensitive attributes from key attributes using the synthetic data. Then, evaluate the privacy of the model by trying to predict the sensitive attributes of the real data. """ def fit(self, synthetic_data, key_fields, sensitive_fields): """Fit the attacker on the synthetic data. Args: synthetic_data(pandas.DataFrame): The synthetic data table used for adverserial learning. key_fields(list[str]): The names of the key columns. sensitive_fields(list[str]): The names of the sensitive columns. """ raise NotImplementedError('Please implement fit method of attackers') def predict(self, key_data): """Make a prediction of the sensitive data given keys. Args: key_data(tuple): The key data. Returns: tuple: The predicted sensitive data. """ raise NotImplementedError('Please implement predict method of attackers') def score(self, key_data, sensitive_data): """Score based on the belief of the attacker, in the form P(sensitive_data|key|data). Args: key_data(tuple): The key data. sensitive_data(tuple): The sensitive data. """ raise NotImplementedError('Posterior probability based scoring not supported' 'for this attacker!')