Source code for sdmetrics.single_table.base

"""Base Single Table metric class."""

import copy
from operator import attrgetter

import pandas as pd

from sdmetrics.base import BaseMetric
from sdmetrics.errors import IncomputableMetricError
from sdmetrics.utils import (
    get_alternate_keys, get_columns_from_metadata, get_type_from_column_meta)

[docs]class SingleTableMetric(BaseMetric): """Base class for metrics that apply to single tables. Input to these family of metrics are two ``pandas.DataFrame`` instances and a ``dict`` representations of the corresponding ``Table`` metadata. Attributes: name (str): Name to use when reports about this metric are printed. goal (sdmetrics.goal.Goal): The goal of this metric. min_value (Union[float, tuple[float]]): Minimum value or values that this metric can take. max_value (Union[float, tuple[float]]): Maximum value or values that this metric can take. """ name = None goal = None min_value = None max_value = None _DTYPES_TO_TYPES = { 'i': { 'type': 'numerical', 'subtype': 'integer', }, 'f': { 'type': 'numerical', 'subtype': 'float', }, 'O': { 'type': 'categorical', }, 'b': { 'type': 'boolean', }, 'M': { 'type': 'datetime', } } @classmethod def _select_fields(cls, metadata, types): """Select fields from metadata that match the specified types. Args: metadata (dict): The table metadata. types (str or tuple): The desired data types. Returns: list: All fields that match the specified types. Raises: IncompatibleMetricError: If no matching fields are found, the metric is unable to be computed. """ fields = [] if isinstance(types, str): types = (types, ) primary_key = metadata.get('primary_key', '') alternate_keys = get_alternate_keys(metadata) for field_name, field_meta in get_columns_from_metadata(metadata).items(): if 'pii' in field_meta or field_name == primary_key or field_name in alternate_keys: continue field_type = get_type_from_column_meta(field_meta) field_subtype = field_meta.get('subtype') if any(t in types for t in (field_type, (field_type, ), (field_type, field_subtype))): fields.append(field_name) if len(fields) == 0: raise IncomputableMetricError(f'Cannot find fields of types {types}') return fields @classmethod def _validate_inputs(cls, real_data, synthetic_data, metadata=None): """Validate the inputs and return the validated data and metadata. If a metadata is passed, the data is validated against it. If no metadata is passed, one is built based on the ``real_data`` values. Args: real_data (pandas.DataFrame): The real data. synthetic_data(pandas.DataFrame): The synthetic data. metadata (dict or Metadata or None): The metadata, if any. Returns: (pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, dict): The validated data and metadata. """ real_data = real_data.copy() synthetic_data = synthetic_data.copy() if metadata is not None: metadata = copy.deepcopy(metadata) if set(real_data.columns) != set(synthetic_data.columns): raise ValueError('`real_data` and `synthetic_data` must have the same columns') if metadata is not None: if not isinstance(metadata, dict): metadata = metadata.to_dict() fields = get_columns_from_metadata(metadata) for column in real_data.columns: if column not in fields: raise ValueError(f'Column {column} not found in metadata') for field, field_meta in fields.items(): field_type = get_type_from_column_meta(field_meta) if field not in real_data.columns: raise ValueError(f'Field {field} not found in data') if ( field_type == 'datetime' and ('format' in field_meta or 'datetime_format' in field_meta) and real_data[field].dtype == 'O' ): if 'format' in field_meta: dt_format = field_meta['format'] if 'datetime_format' in field_meta: dt_format = field_meta['datetime_format'] real_data[field] = pd.to_datetime(real_data[field], format=dt_format) synthetic_data[field] = pd.to_datetime(synthetic_data[field], format=dt_format) return real_data, synthetic_data, metadata dtype_kinds = real_data.dtypes.apply(attrgetter('kind')) col_key = 'columns' if metadata is not None and 'columns' in metadata else 'fields' return real_data, synthetic_data, { col_key: dtype_kinds.apply(cls._DTYPES_TO_TYPES.get).to_dict(), } @classmethod def compute(cls, real_data, synthetic_data, metadata=None): """Compute this metric. Real data and synthetic data must be passed as ``pandas.DataFrame`` instances and ``metadata`` as a ``Table`` metadata ``dict`` representation. If no ``metadata`` is given, one will be built from the values observed in the ``real_data``. Args: real_data (pandas.DataFrame): The values from the real dataset, passed as a pandas.DataFrame. synthetic_data (pandas.DataFrame): The values from the synthetic dataset, passed as a pandas.DataFrame. metadata (dict): Table metadata dict. If not passed, it is build based on the real_data fields and dtypes. Returns: Union[float, tuple[float]]: Metric output. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def compute_breakdown(cls, real_data, synthetic_data, metadata=None): """Compute this metric breakdown. Args: real_data (pandas.DataFrame): The values from the real dataset, passed as a pandas.DataFrame. synthetic_data (pandas.DataFrame): The values from the synthetic dataset, passed as a pandas.DataFrame. metadata (dict): Table metadata dict. If not passed, it is build based on the real_data fields and dtypes. real_data (Union[numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]): The values from the real dataset, passed as a 1d numpy array or as a pandas.Series. Returns: dict Mapping of the metric output. Must include the key 'score'. """ return {'score': cls.compute(real_data, synthetic_data, metadata)}